Shipping Policy

Prompt Same-Day Shipping for Early Orders

At B2C Tile Outlet, we value your time and strive to deliver your orders as swiftly as possible. That's why we guarantee same-day shipping for all purchases made before 12 PM Eastern Time, Monday through Friday. In cases where same-day shipping isn't possible, rest assured that your order will be dispatched on the next business day.

Customized Delivery Times for All U.S. Regions

We tailor our shipping times to your location, ensuring a fast and efficient delivery process:

  • East Coast Delivery: Receive your items within 1-3 days.
  • Midwest Shipping: Your products will arrive in 2-4 days.
  • West Coast Orders: Expect delivery in 4-6 days.

Special Attention to LTL Pallet Shipments

For LTL (Less Than Truckload) pallet shipments, we take extra care. If you notice any damage upon delivery, it is crucial to notate this with the driver immediately. This step is vital for ensuring that any issues are acknowledged and addressed promptly.


At B2C Tile Outlet, we are committed to providing fast, reliable, and safe shipping services. We understand the importance of receiving your orders promptly and in perfect condition. Whether it's a standard package or an LTL pallet shipment, our policies are designed to ensure your complete satisfaction with our delivery process.